Vineet Kumar Gupta

Software Engineer | Tech Enthusiast

About Me

I’m Vineet, a passionate software engineer driven by curiosity and a love for technology. From exploring new programming languages to diving into the latest tech trends, I’m always eager to learn and innovate. When I’m not coding, you might find me indulging in my hobbies like playing chess, experimenting with DIY electronics, or hiking in nature. My journey through technology has been fueled by a desire to solve real-world problems and build solutions that make a difference. Join me as I continue to explore the limitless possibilities of the tech world!



Phone: +91-9598035666

LinkedIn: vineet-kumar-gupta

Education: Vellore Institute of Technology, BTech (CSE), CGPA 9.12

Skills: Python, C/C++, Django, Flask, AWS, Azure, Postgres, AWS-CLI, UNIX, Docker, Terraform, Web Scraping, GIT, CircleCi, Snowflake, SQL

Work Experience: Product Engineer at Squadstack (July 2023 – April 2024)

Achievements: Winner of INSTINCT 2.0 Innovation Challenge & Hackathon, Google Hash code 2021 (AIR 1286)

Projects: Squad-Gunicorn, Secure Smart Electric Meter & Network

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